Our stories shape our world, inside and out.
Frozen Tomatoes
I arranged them in the skillet, soft-frozen, I felt the bounty of summer at my fingertips. It is a bright reminder that our loving investment today can nourish us and the world tomorrow.
Priming at Dawn
This uplifting emotion, more creative ideas flow, then more nourishing emotions. The key is to feel all the best feels without attachment to outcome.
When Brittle, We Break
Don’t we sometimes do the same? Fight, flight, fawn, or freeze … survival mode can make us more brittle than we’d think. I have been working long hours lately as I update the Core Alignment with Joy series.
It might seem like too many hands, minds, and hearts for such delicate work, but I assure you it’s not. When we give and receive feedback, when we set forth with the courage to co-create, we do so vulnerably. And in that tender meeting, the best of us comes forward with exponential benefits.
Otter Tracks
Isn’t it fascinating how tracks are more than just footprints? They show a way of walking, a way of being in the world. And they go somewhere.
The Gifts of Winter
We sat beside one another and were transported together to a planet orbited by two moons. This is family magic. This is the magic of creation. This is worklove, and the finest gift I’ve ever received.
The Power of Play
The power of play is that all beings engage equally, all beings are co-creative. That’s good practice for life. When we let go of our identities, we find safety and joy in new ways, together. My heart sings at the opportunity.
There’s candlelight. A single flame in so much darkness seems all the more powerful and bright. We are like that too, you know. The brilliant love of one person can light up a room.
The Sweetest Holidays
I can finally appreciate Christmas, too, with a happier heart. For countless generations, my family has celebrated Christmas with food and fun.
Perennial Friendships
Our choice continues to make sense financially. In a world where it’s getting easier to consciously uncouple and harder to afford a home, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more folks choosing this path.
Leaves in Abundance
The lesson is not lost on me. We are designed to nourish ourselves first. We succeed together, no doubt. My path is interconnected with yours the way that the roots of trees share information and nourishment, protecting the forest.
A New Focus
I put my hand on my heart. “As I say this, I’m fully attending to these qualities in their wholeness. My heart is filling with warmth, softening. I feel a sense of aliveness. The vegetables are still there, but now when I look at them, I feel less of a demand to make soup.
Making It Your Own
Half Moon had passed some weeks before of an ailment exceedingly rare and unexpected. She had died while being treated at Oregon State University, a whole county away, and many of her friends in the barn still appeared to await her return.
Carrots and the Keepers
I stopped at Horai, one of my favorite farm-to-table bakery stands, and bought the best potato knish I’ve ever eaten. The savory spices blended perfectly with buttery soft Yukon Gold potatoes, and the flaky pastry crumbled with every bite. I went back and grabbed the tiny dish of pickle mustard to go with it.
Bioluminescence of the Soul
We slow down. We go deep into our hearts, touch our truth, and softly, it glows. We come to life. This glow starts a chain reaction and the beings beside us light up too. Our vibration touches them, and their hearts illuminate. I’ve seen it over a thousand times.
Autumn Family Dinners
Rich, sweet, and savory all at once, this meal from Sunday has been the core of lunch offerings through this period of loving and mourning our sweet Harley.
A Loving Farewell
I grieved for her pain, and I grieved for my imminent loss. I felt grateful for the beauty and meaningful connection of these past few days. And I realized in a flash that this grief was not helping Harley. It was authentic … and it was centered on my experience, not hers.