
This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Just after New Years, we joined extended family for a holiday celebration. I brought components to recreate the Blackforest Cherry Chocolate cake we’d made for Christmas. Assembling the layers of cake, cherry liqueur syrup, chocolate ganache, cherries, and whip cream, three sets of hands went into action.

One might think six hands too many for such delicate work, but the cake shaped up in minutes. I see my worklove with the Joy Collective this way, too. I first shared the Core Alignment with Joy concepts in a class I gifted to friends and family in 2019. Now, on it’s fourth run, the series has been informed by requests from countless participants, hailing from all over the world. The sessions are just the right length (1.25 hours) to deliver meaningful content and practice. The concepts have clarified and synthesized over time. The presentation to practice/breakout room ratio is hitting the sweet spot for optimal engagement.

And it’s not just because I’ve learned. It’s because people cared enough to show me the way. Lots of people. It might seem like too many hands, minds, and hearts for such delicate work, but I assure you it’s not. When we give and receive feedback, when we set forth with the courage to co-create, we do so vulnerably. And in that tender meeting, the best of us comes forward with exponential benefits.

The Core Alignment with Joy series is better informed, more beautiful, and more succinct than ever before. The classes are designed to field ongoing feedback, ongoing co-creation. As we evolve, so does our work. It’s life-changing.

Over the last 3 years, more than 70% of the participants have continued on as the Joy Collective when the Core Alignment series ended. They meet weekly year-round, exploring and practicing together (yes, even those working full-time or multiple jobs). What’s more, half of those who went their way still keep in touch, help out, and join our events. That’s some valuable, feel-good community.

If you, reading this, are any one of the folks currently enrolled or have been in the past, please accept my deepest thanks. This work is changing the lives of so many. People are gaining mobility, uplifting relationships, learning to love themselves. Folks are finding joy and meaning in their lives when before they felt lost. You, who have shaped this series, are partially responsible for what it has to share. I’m so excited to co-create with you.

And if you haven’t yet given the Core Alignment with Joy a try but have always wanted to, I have a very special gift for you. Hit reply to learn more. We launch on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.


When Brittle, We Break


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