Looking for more joy, better health, and happier relationships?

I have a free workshop for you.

You’re not alone.

According to a Harvard study, “The people who were the most satisfied in their relationships at age 50 were the healthiest (mentally and physically) at age 80.”

Me and my adult son Trinidad. We’ve been learning to communicate better together for over 20 years. It’s paying off.

Let’s do this together!

Learning is more fun and effective in community.

If you’re ready for a whole-life uplevel, we’re ready for you to join us!

Click on a time below to register for my free

Joyful Communication Introductory Workshop

(all Pacific Time):

👆🏽That free workshop above is where it’s at. 👆

Joyful Communication only comes once a year!

Done with feeling tired and uninspired?

Ready for meaningful companionship and joy?

The recorded Core Joy Series,

a gateway to our weekly classes

is available HERE.

  • 4 Live Zoom Studio Joy Office Hours are included, Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Pacific.

  • If you and a friend sign up together, you both get $50 off your class package. Coupon code: FRIEND . Multiple friends mean stacking discounts. Email me to pay in a different way if you have multiples.

  • All class series comes with our Everybody’s Happy Guarantee.*

How You Can Benefit

  • Feel happy about what you have and who you are.

  • Calm down faster after an upset.

  • Get clear about what matters and how to find it.

  • Feel empowered energized, and capable.

  • Find more fun, meaning, and harmony in your relationships.

  • Become a quiet leader, sought out for your insight and problem-solving

How does it happen?

The research-based practices I teach rewire the brain for more joy, better health, and happier relationships.

Your brain is wired to focus on the negative to protect you. But if you can’t turn the alarm bells off when the danger is passed, you suffer.

Western culture values thinking over feeling. That disconnects you from your body and felt experience, often in subtle ways. In our culture, we focus on complaining about things we have no power to change. That drains your energy.

You can empower yourself by learning to think and feel together, embracing all of your parts. With compassion and joy, you can discover and live what’s most important to you.

The results keep coming. Our weekly community supports daily practice by offering accountability, inspiration, and a gentle place to land when times are tough. The skills I teach build goodwill, a sense of playfulness, and the ability to deeply listen to yourself and others.

A practice of joy blends fun and compassion, readying you for whatever life throws your way!

From a few who have taken the series ….

Since taking the Core Joy Series, Lavinia Primes for a joyful photo session and allows in the joy she encounters there, fueling more joy and fun that feeds her and the people she photographs. Her creativity is sparked and she sees more in her environment to photograph to artistically capture her story. (Photo credit: Sarah Wolfe Photography) —Lavinia Nitu, Award-winning Photographer, www.lavinianitu.com

After taking the Core Joy series, Julie says she thinks and behaves in a more emotionally intelligent way. "I show more compassion and empathy toward my patients as well as my partner. I feel like I can live my life in "real time" again instead of thinking about what is next or worry about past experiences. This is so empowering and hopeful for me as I begin the second half of my life." —Julie Staub, Physical Therapist and Equine Osteopath, https://supportingthehorseandrider.com

“I now recognize that prior to this eye-opening experience, I would push my emotions aside, and not take the time to feel them -- ever. As I've learned to let my emotions move through me, I've seen a difference in my mood, my productivity, and my communication with other people. It's just been awesome!” — Danielle Strahl-Heldreth, DVM

Have a question? Need a link or help with tech?

I’m here for you.

With a good, old-fashioned telephone.

You can reach me at (541) 359-6436. That number is text-friendly too.

If email is more your style, send one my way at: kristin@collierconnections.com

Core Joy Recorded Series, $425

  • Includes Recorded Core Joy Series of 8 sessions, for learning at your own pace

  • Recordings of live and pre-recorded classes accessible for a minimum of 6 months.

  • Color and greyscale PDF workbook to support your practice

New! Bonus Zoom office hours, in Pacific Daylight Time:

  • First and third Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., attendance optional

  • A total of 4 office hours available to you from time of purchase (ask me if another arrangement is needed)

  • No cap on number of participants

  • Value of this bonus: $120

If you’re on the fence and wondering if you’ll really get your money’s worth in these classes, I want to offer you something most coaches don’t.

I’m so confident that your growth with practice will exceed your own expectations, that I offer the Everybody’s Happy Guarantee to make the deal fool-proof. Here it is:

*The Everybody’s Happy Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with your learning after 3 weeks and no later than the end of the course, you can receive a full refund if you show evidence (journaling, video, chatting with me) that you have done the practices at least 15 minutes a day.

Photo by Julie Staub