Our stories shape our world, inside and out.
Reflections on Dr. Joe in San Diego
I’m open to seeing and moving towards the most efficient and effective paths to get what I want. I’m open to changing what I want. I’m open to guidance and committed to cultivating peace and joy so that such guidance finds me easily.
Walking Meditation
Meditation is a powerful vehicle to find it, but that vehicle is not imperative. Dr. Joe quoted a student, healing his body from ALS, who said, “I notice the more love I feel, the more I heal.” Dr. Joe added “He didn’t say, ‘the more I meditate’ — no, he said, ‘the more I open my heart.’”
We learn the hard way once or twice (or twenty times), and eventually say, “Oh! Here’s how I can do it better.” Our better looks more orderly. It even takes less effort, after the habit has been changed.
The Dirty Work
I imagine a long list of thoughts and actions that are unhelpful and take energy. Doom scrolling, worrying about things I have no ability to change, rehashing the past from a victim perspective … I have choice about whether to do these. And choice comes with awareness.
Lingering Twilight
Twilight is a world-between-worlds. Our shadows stretch as we come to appreciate the light.
Unexpected Showers
I am grateful for the life in falling water that is measured in inches and by the roots of trees who draw nourishment and protection that will last them through the fire season.
The Forsythia on the Corner
She’s not the showiest forsythia (shhhhh). Her flowers have not been hybridized to open upwards brightly. The blossoms are small and look ready to withstand a gale force of wind. I do find beauty in that. Sharing her with you now, I grow fonder of her still, amused at our relationship.
The Satisfaction of Closure
The last practice shared in the Core Alignment with Joy series is the Satisfaction of Closure. Making time to reflect on and savor the sweetness of an event or relationship (with flowers too!) helps us see ourselves and the world in new ways. We make the most of our joy and the care we have invested, and this deep satisfaction can inspire our next steps so that they align with our dreams.
Thinning Raspberries — Less is More
It reminds me that sometimes, less is more. That’s not what I first learned in Nonviolent Communication (NVC). I was taught the four components of expression: observation, feeling, need, and request. It’s a mouthful.
Spring Cleaning
I’m not sure which is better — the fun, or the fact that I can transform what could be drudgery with my imagination. Have you ever noticed, though, that imagination rarely stays in your head? Thoughts do become things.
Finding the Light
The light of goodwill is one I’m always making my way into. No logic or communication will soothe the soul like a mutual sense of shared warmth. And consciously choosing a path of goodwill, like consciously choosing authentic words, comes with practice.
Coming Down
I thank the Plane tree for her beauty, and for showing me life every day. For the sound of her leaves which I hear in the wind from my bedroom window. She is family. We are one.
Unexpected Sparkles
Priming is primarily valuable in the moment, and it also helps us open up to possibility in the future. It’s practice in taking the “feel good” neural pathways in relation to an event, and practice makes it more likely that we will find a feel-good path when the event arrives.
Tall Moc Love
This Valentines Day, I am celebrating my feet with so much love. Whether in shoes or out, my feet are strong, beautiful, and carry me to the most amazing places. I dearly hope you feel the same about yours.
Doing the Write Thing
It’s one of my greatest joys to share words with you each week and to hear back when they resonate. It’s my way of spreading the love. And I will be sending it forth in a big way with a new book next fall.
Plum Blossom Lessons
This is the lesson, isn’t it? The plum blossoms took a chance on love, on beauty, on co-creation. They opened up to the sun, to the bees, to the wonder of passers by.
Big Picture Priming
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Often, the wonder begins when something breaks. What we build in its place reflects a better picture of our new, expanded self. A better picture of our network. Often, our rebuild is a more comprehensive picture of Love.
New Beginnings
The Mother Tree did not tip to the ground with a majestic uprooting. Her massive trunk snapped in two places at ground level, the hollow cave of her belly falling open to the sun.
Passing at Home
He taught me patience and generosity. He showed me how the flow of giving and receiving could take your breath away, like a waterfall. Even in hard times. He helped to ground me, and I had the pleasure of helping uplift him.