Our stories shape our world, inside and out.
Sweet Summer Solstice
Celebrations at the shift in recession of lightness or dark can bring our attention to all that Mother Earth is and offers. It is an opportunity to notice how we, in parallel, experience darkness and light within our own natural rhythms of growth and creativity.
Swimming Holes
Soft, cool water invited my cares to flow away, invited me to let go and enjoy the moment. Water is sacred, and water is love.
Plant Me Up
His home is clearly everywhere, his touch and his vision stretch from sunny cabins and older growth plantings to the infant rows of seedlings.
Mock Orange in the Forest Garden
What could be has arrived. Not exactly what I expected, but that’s another story. For now, I am celebrating with you the beauty of this.
Got What I Need
For someone who has for decades gasped at the slightest mishap, this easy-going response blew my mind. It seems I am truly rewiring my nervous system.
Lettuce with a Lesson
I love how the garden offers its gifts in waves. I receive and give back in like rhythm. We adjust to one another, we grow together.
Serendipitous Meetings
When I attended Amy Porterfield’s online business training with over 4,000 people, I had no idea that I would meet the accountability buddy of my dreams.
Love That Lovage
Lovage — it’s bright green, out, and proud. It’s also in my every salad this spring.
Everyday Art
A delicious and beautiful seasonal harvest dinner inspired hang-up-ready original art that passed undercover through the U.S. postal system. What a gift. We are born to play with one another.
The Noble Asparagus
Asparagus are perennial; no need to replant yearly. These noble plants provide and provide and provide for our family with aplomb, no matter the chill.
Community Caring
I had wished for an elder veteran to care for in a way that was easy and fun. Then my cat introduced me to James, all that and so much more, only a block away.
Root, leaf, and flower, these tenacious and boldly beautiful plants show up at every garden party, invited or not.
What’s in a Win?
At the end of the day, it’s the relationships we come home to that matter. Our commitment to loving one another and making it work no matter what. That’s the win.
Letting Go
As the cut branches fell to earth, he freed and made space for blossoms that burst forth only days later.
Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable
We’ve all been there … the expected or unexpected deep dive into darkness. Maybe we went alone and maybe with friends or family. But there, at the edge of our comfort zone, we redefined ourselves in ways that nobody could have predicted.
Raspberry Thinning
My arms and shoulders celebrate their strength with delightful aches from pulling, and I’m in wonder again at the gift of dancing with these plants in spring.
Vlog : Dr. Joe Dispenza Events: How the Universe Paid My Way 3X!
Focusing on wellness and what I wanted instead of what I didn't want, I found greater joy and ease in general, and especially in reaching to attend events I'd formerly thought that I couldn't afford.
Peeking Under the Hellebore
What strikes me about the Hellebore, much like our gorgeous native Columbine, is that I could have missed the party by just looking over her head.
Reflections on Wild Synchronicity
We often forget that our love, like wild mustard, is also dispersed by natural agency. When we open our hearts, that flow of love affects those around us.