Reflections on Wild Synchronicity

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

I received a note last week about a “wild synchronicity” which is closely akin to “wild” carrots, wild onions, and wild nettle. Wild sometimes means “self-seeding.” Which is a dominant culture perspective term, of course. “Self-”seeding happens only with the help of the wind, birds, and other beings who transport. Our energy alone, individually and in community, also transports. Which leads us back to this wild synchronicity.

Turns out that after a role play in our first week of the Compassionate Communication with Joy Class, one of our students received a text, when the role play ended, from the person they’d just been roleplaying in conflict. During the action, the student had played their loved one, and as the scene unfolded, hearts had opened. Not only the student’s heart, but a dozen other hearts as well, listening with empathy. And then pin, the text rang in.

The student’s loved one, hundreds of miles away, wanted to share what a heart-opening they were having. A burst of loving energy filled our student’s inbox, reflecting the heart opening they themselves were sitting with still. “Very cool “ the note to me ended. I’ll second that.

We often forget that our love, like wild mustard, is also dispersed by natural agency. When we open our hearts, that flow of love affects those around us. This is measurable because our relationships shift in happy ways. Less apparent is what happens miles away, beyond our scope of awareness. We may discover later, or we may not. And what about others who attune to the love we feel? Will we know the happy spread of goodwill amongst their dear ones? What about the checker at the grocery store who caught the vibe and carried it home to their kids?

What appears to be a small act on our part — showing up to class, participating in a role play, for example — is reflected and transported as wild synchronicity, dispersed by natural agency, love gone rogue. It plants itself and takes root. And so we play our role in this wild ecosystem of love, where caring for ourselves is caring for others, where opening our hearts is a heart-opening for the world. Feeling empowered yet?


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