Got What I Need

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Denver skies at the Dispenza Advanced Follow Up Retreat

Flying high over Denver, I patted down the pockets of my loose linen pants. No driver’s license. For years, I’d lived in fear of losing my license, my identity, while traveling. “Huh,” I said to myself, cocking my head. “It’s gone. Must have lost it in that long layover.” For someone who has for decades gasped at the slightest mishap, this easy-going response blew my mind. It seems I am truly rewiring my nervous system. And I did not even feel moved to research the possible repercussions in managing airport security until on my way back to the airport four days later.

I’d planned an adventure into the Unknown after all. When they checked me in at the Dr. Joe Dispenza Advanced Follow Up retreat, some disgruntlement percolated around my missing I.D. But I happened to have my work I.D. and the explanation that I’d gotten a jump on becoming no one, nowhere, no thing a bit ahead of schedule. They couldn’t argue with that. That IS the place we are all headed when attending these meditation and healing events.

This well-grounded kick-off proved to be the theme of my experience in Denver. At the eye of the stormscape — sun in one direction, lightning in the other — I found myself centered in clarity and joy. I did my work there with commitment, ever-expanding my access to a higher vibration in meditation, and I fell in love with this community all over again. Especially sweet, I met some of you … folks I’ve visited with in the comments section on YouTube, people who have followed my work quietly and were kind enough to call my name and say hello. If you are one of them reading this, please know that these moments were absolute gems in my retreat.

Every Dr. Joe retreat has gifted me with a memorable message. At the end of my stay, a quiet sense of satisfaction welled within me, confirming that fireworks are no longer needed to get my attention in this work. The expansion I’ve committed to, the joy I nurture deep inside, these are now part of my daily experience. I have returned my attention to the generous present moment again and again, often enough to find it’s newness somewhat familiar. I’m getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Who I am is so much more than can be distilled onto a photo I.D. that I (should :) carry in my wallet. Being me is electric and connected beyond my wildest dreams. Dispenza retreat or not, I’ve got what I need.

When have you eagerly anticipated returning to a seasonal event only to find that you are the event you are looking for?


Mock Orange in the Forest Garden


Lettuce with a Lesson