Letting Go

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Trinidad and Sam, Saturday, in the garden

It’s spring, a season for movement and growth. My garden calls, and the universe magically opens a path for me to sink my hands into the dirt. Somehow, time emerges for me to trim and compost the skeletons of last year’s growth. I am in awe, always, at this flow.

My now grown young men are heading out of town, out of my world in the most immediate sense. As I write this, tenderly, I feel my heart inclining toward them. Radiant. Trinidad pruned the fruit trees for us, skillfully, this past week. As the cut branches fell to earth, he freed and made space for blossoms that burst forth only days later.

Pruning. Saying goodbye. We call it “letting go,” but we could deem it a welcoming instead. Meditating daily, I make space within me for so many feelings. I will make space for a new way forward, for my evolving perception of us all. Now more than ever, I am called to sit, to walk, to touch our Mother Earth. Now more than ever, I pause.

Twice, the seed of a child grew within me, and my belly filled and stretched. I did not call the birthing a letting go. I called it a welcoming. And so today, I welcome this new era, this new becoming for our family. This is a rite of passage, a reckoning, with ourselves and with each other. I am grateful for every moment of it.

Where have you feared the unmooring and where might you find a welcoming within?


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