Gathering Seeds

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Native Columbine pod and seeds

It’s harvest season, and there is so much to gather that I almost forgot the tiniest bounty — seeds. Unique in shape and size, seeds are tomorrow’s plants and trees. Gathering seeds is sort of like meditating with Dr. Joe. It’s present-future oriented rather than past-present oriented. It is my joy to embrace the bounty of the present, resulting from past efforts and gathering. But may I also gather seed and plant for tomorrow in my actions — dreaming, meditating, and being grateful for the big picture of what I imagine unfolding, even before it fully appears.

On a personal level, that looks like meditating daily. I also cultivate an awareness of my thoughts and feelings, turning my attention towards that which nourishes and delights. It looks like attending the Joy Collective meetings weekly, where I am inspired and grateful to learn from others who are applying the practices I’m happy to contribute. (Hit reply if you want to know more.)

And in my greener community, I collect seed. This year, I’m collecting for Mike at Native Grounds Nursery as well. I mentioned him here in a former blogpost. Mike gave me the Native Columbines he’d planned to collect seed from because he imagined me stewarding them at least as well as he would. And today marked the last day that seed will be collected from those two dear plants. Mike, if you’re reading this, drop me a text and we’ll meet up!

How do you tend to your tomorrow as an individual and in community? Do you cultivate your future as joyfully as you’d like to?


Waking Up Walking


Not a Master Meditator