Work Outside

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Never have I thrown so much of my heart and body into sitting work before. Yes, I have a standing desk, too, which is also my dancing desk, but I have to say the one above is top of the list. Our patio is a sun-catch, and it’s divinely sweet on the weekends to plant myself with happy companions in the sun to get it all done.

It’s quiet-body work out here. Leo and Miru find it agrees with them, too. Don’t get me wrong; I also crave the reach-and-stretch of raspberry pruning and the swish-and-dump of leaf mulch with a pitchfork and barrow. I know its time will come. The drenched ground of March will firm up in a few days sun. Its golden warmth and the scent of spring have never allowed me to remain apart from the garden long.

Until then, I love, love, love that I can be with you, the extended Joy Collective, and my garden friends at the same time. There is even a little frog here who croaks and edges closer when I talk to it. I hope the little darling finds a mate. I’m very happy about that extended family too.

Which living beings do you commune with as spring nudges winter? In what ways do you joyfully anchor yourself to this quiet, sedentary season while Mother earth sighs and peeks opens one eye?


Storms Approaching


Vlog : How I Authentically Reframe My Words To Feel Better