Reflections on the Unknown

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Seda left for a conference last week, so Leo and I did our Big Walk alone on Saturday. Seda and I talk non-stop on our walks together, so we typically take the roads more traveled for ease. We see very few (if any) people at that park early in the morning anyway. But without her, I spied a new trail and set off through brambles and marshes to new heights.

I topped the fist ridge and gazed out over land that is well-loved and familiar. From this vantage point, everything looked new. In fact, from the moment Seda had departed last Wednesday, new neural pathways engaged and one new thought had led to another. I adore Seda and never want her to be gone long, but this experience led me to reflect on the path to and through the Unknown.

Our happy jaunt was not without a price. When we’d returned to the car, scratched, happy, muddy, and tired, I realized that I’d lost Leo’s Flexi-lead AND headcollar (likely where I took the above photo). Whoopsies. That was expensive. I did not opt to turn around as I had commitments to keep. But happily, Seda is home now and heading off to the big park in search of what I’ve lost. How’s that for teamwork?

When do you venture into the unknown and how do you balance wariness with excitement? Are you likely to pay the price with a laugh?


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