Glow Flow

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

A few days ago, I felt low in the afternoon. I could give you a list of “reasons why,” but I know better than to blame something external. I’d lost my glow, I’d lost my flow, and while I didn’t like it, I knew that finding the light was on me.

I gathered my shoes, my hat, and dear Leo for a walk. Getting outside is at the top of my list for finding God/Goddess/Love/Light. Is that true for you, too? We walked about a mile before I started to shake it off. My body began to attune to the wind, the clouds, the birds who share their songs so generously. I started to feel alive once more.

Just then, the sun broke through the clouds, and its golden light warmed my cheek. I snapped this picture then sat down on the wet sidewalk with Leo, playing with my camera in the sun’s glow, trying to capture the way it touched my soul.

A funny thing happened. Sitting there on the sidewalk with the butt of my jeans getting wet, I felt like a kid again. Does that ever happen to you? I sort of had a childhoodless childhood, so I’m not quite sure why it tickles me so. Maybe because being a kid at this juncture, when I have so many more resources, inside and out, is like a dream come true. I wonder.

At any rate, I found myself laughing and playing with Leo, co-creating with the light of the sun, and soaking my rear without a care in the world for how I looked to passers by. And nothing could have felt finer. All was aflow once more.

What do you do to reconnect with your inner light when it grows dim? Do you ever have child-like moments that make you feel like you are in some other world?


Ice Magic


Vlog : Feeling Into Gratitude on the Fly