
This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Evergreen and fragrant, Rosemary is a stalwart and handsome shrub in all seasons. But it took my former boyfriend, Richard, a chef and artist, to turn me on last week to the gift of its blossoms.

“You know what I’ve been appreciating lately and wondering where it’s been all my life?” he asked. “Rosemary flowers!” Richard described the ways he had used the crepe purple blooms to beautify and season everything from main dishes to desserts. “The Rosemary flowers have that same flavor as the leaves, but not so overpowering,” he said. “It’s a tiny pop — floral and savory — that is totally unexpected.” I love seeing the world through Richard’s eyes.

I felt surprised to realize I have overlooked this winter offering. I hadn’t tracked that Rosemary blooms in January. And it took Richard alerting me to this after he discovered it 900 miles south!

Which beings in your world might you take a second glance at and get to know a little better? When you ask yourself today “What’s in season?” how far and wide are you willing to cast your gaze in search of connection?


Vlog: Slowing, Fasting, and Happy Beach Dancing


Seeing Love