
This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

That’s my co-worker hanging off my shoulder there. He’s typically curled up in front of my keyboard with my laptop on a shelf above, available to help at a moment’s notice.

Miru loves that I work from home, and so do I. For the past year, I’ve been expanding Collier Connections in all directions. New website, new Social Media, new YouTube channel, new courses. The learning curve has been steep and the hours long.

Last week, I had an epiphany. I felt exhausted but happy, and the feeling felt familiar. Running Collier Connections is like having a baby! Just as I’d begun the website last year, a friend called to ask me if I was pregnant, because she’d had a dream. I wonder why it took me so long to see it. That wiped-out, blissful smile that parents of toddlers wear on their slightly-dazed faces … Yep, I was tending to an infant. Late nights, early mornings, coasting on fumes to meet deadlines and whooping in celebration when I pull it off.

One of the practices in the Core Alignment with Joy is reframing. I can tell you there is a huge energetic difference for me between “I have work to do tonight” vs. “I’m going to take care of the baby.” I’m not busy; I’m care-taking, stewarding, supporting something that I cherish and believe in. Can you feel it with me?

What notion in your life could use a refresh? Come learn the skills and nuances of noticing your energy and choosing words that are authentic AND feel better. The 8-week Zoom Core Alignment with Joy Series (1.25 hours each) begins January 18th. There’s still space in the Thursday morning class (10:00 PST) and Wednesday evening.

Our course is satisfaction guaranteed. This is your LAST CHANCE for the live course until next year. What are you waiting for? :)




Vlog: Feeling Into Gratitude, Practicing Joy