Ocean Spray

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Have you ever discovered, wanted, or been something and then seen it everywhere? You’re pregnant, and suddenly half the world is pregnant. You want a solar panel system for your house, then 2 friends are getting them, and everywhere you look … solar panels. That’s how it was for me and Ocean Spray.

49 years of life and I hadn’t adequately noticed this plant. For 11 months of the year, its delicate green leaves with the scalloped edges blend in. But then, for almost 4 glorious weeks, this native darling throws down her snowy locks in sprays of tiny white blossoms. And then, she is everywhere at once.

It’s a reminder for me. I think we notice things for the first time when we discover their value. Whether we have them or want them, our attention is pulled as if by gravitational force to the being, animate or “inanimate,” that we suddenly understand and appreciate. Many times, we make this discovery when the being “blooms.” We see them with wonder in their glory. We are in awe of their capacity.

But I don’t want to forget Ocean Spray in those flowerless months again. She is part of a greater ecosystem I care for immensely. And this year, we’ve planted 2 of her kin in the land we are blessed to steward. I want to watch and appreciate Ocean Spray year-round.

I want to love my children not only when they impress me, but when they hit rock-bottom as well. Adore my dog in his old age, as well as his youth. I want to see the beauty in all of life, whether or not it’s in bloom. Ok. Maybe not all at once. Just the beauty that’s before me in the moment. I want to see that better. And in seeing it better, I think I’ll be a more joyful, connected, and responsible being.

What blossoms have lately brought you to your knees? In which ways do you find beauty inspires action?


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