Friendly Figs

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

Did you ever notice that abundance rubs off? My neighbor planted a fig tree some years ago, and I couldn’t be happier about that. Sundry branches now spill over my fence, and the fig harvest is impressive. It’s no picket fence, either. Our fence is 6 feet tall and solid, but those figs are primed to give. My neighbor’s dear tree has just this year offered us close to 15 quarts of plump green and purple fruit. Another 3 quarts are hanging there still, feeding the birds and smaller beings.

I’ve served this windfall of figs to friends and family, tucking a bit of feta into the flesh for a balance of salty-tart on juicy sweet. I’ve frozen them and popped them into smoothies to share with Seda and the boys. And I’ve eaten them fresh day after day for the past month as they’ve ripened in waves.

We share our abundance knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. Our fruit trees hang over others’ fences; our smiles inspire smiles all around us. All of this sharing is a wonder to me. There is no shortage of wonder in the world. I am grateful beyond measure.

When are you surprised to be nourished by the abundance of others? How broadly does your gratitude span?


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