Finding Grace

This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

In a recent News-Loveletter, I shared about the serendipitous way that my virtual assistant and I found each other. I’d wanted help with re-purposing content for my blog, social media, and courses. I’d hoped to find someone with expertise in graphic arts to help with my business card and who would double-check subtitles for YouTube videos. I also dearly wanted a teammate who felt excited, like I do, about Collier Connections and the beings we serve.

Grace Bautista arrived on the scene with a broad skill base as a Content Creator and Virtual Assistant. At the interview, she expressed excitement about expanding and shared that she’s been studying business administration and software development too. “What’s your passion?” I asked. “What are your dreams?”

“Well,” said Grace slowly, “I’m actually a chef. But there’s no place for me to showcase that here, so I’d have to open my own restaurant. I’d like to earn enough to someday do that.” Wow! In addition to growing our passion for Collier Connections together, we share a passion for food.

It turns out we have a common love for parenting, too. “I have Acezev, my 4-year-old son … who molds me into the person I am today. He is my every reason for working hard,” Grace tells me. As we sorted out the Joy course together on Podia last night, updating lessons, Acezev and Grace’s nephew slept beside her. We worked along happily together, each at our own task, but maintaining a live connection over What’s Ap. I find the company sweeter than I’d dreamed.

“I love that I can showcase my love for editing and also learn new things here,” says Grace. “And I love how working with Collier Connections doesn’t feel like I am just an employee. I feel the connection and appreciation every day.”

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you have seen Grace’s work in our memes — questions, quotes, and client celebrations. She brings fresh ideas, color, and vibrance to our message. Later this week, look for a post highlighting a few beautiful dishes from Grace’s kitchen. I love to see her creativity flourish there too, and the Philippine flair in family-style plating on enormous, green leaf platters.

I am so grateful that Collier Connections is a lively co-creation with Grace, Seda, Sam, Trinidad, Estrella, and so many more, including you, our dear readers, and the Joy Collective. Thank you! I could not be happier!


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