
This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.

I am in the midst of video recording the Core Alignment with Joy Series. Last Thursday in the “studio,” I turned to discover that a friend had come to help.

Collier Connections is a co-created entity. I began the Core Alignment as a pilot project — twice, actually — gifting it to friends. I gathered feedback about what moved them and did not, how the structure supported learning and where it fell short. I continue querying for feedback on the course daily. Every bit helps clarify its direction.

At one point, my kids contracted out to double-check automated subtitles so I could maintain weekly deadlines on YouTube. Their work ensured that I married SEDA rather than SATAN in the subtitles. Trinidad and Sam delivered on time and offered me constructive feedback too.

I shopped around for help online, and the uncomfortable process of trying out working relationships helped me clarify what I wanted to feel about the support I received and the co-creation that transpired. I primed for it, imagining with my body-mind the joy of a mutually beneficial relationship, a fresh perspective at Collier Connections, and dynamic co-creativity.

Serendipities have led to serendipities. I embarked on a journey with the brilliant Social Media consultant, Estrella Alvarado (@estrellaxalvarado). She put me in touch with Grace Bautista, who has become an indispensable teammate in daily work. Last night, after looking at some posts Grace had prepared for Instagram and Facebook with my favorite quotes and questions, my heart nearly burst with joy. They were so much more vibrant than my own. I could see her and Collier Connections shine!

I’ll share more about Grace next week. For now, I am enjoying my own experience in co-creation … asking for what I want, feeling the feelings of getting that and more, clarifying my desire through uncomfortable experiences (hurray for those!), and then landing my dream team, exceeding expectations.

In the beginning, it was just me, Seda, and the cats and dog. We are so grateful for all of your partnership in this co-creation, and for the partnership of Sam and Trinidad Collier, Estrella Alvarado, and Grace Bautista.

Who is your sweet support? Did you build your partnership through priming? If not, what strategies do you use to attract help when you need it?


Blossoming Arugula


Vlog: A Letter of Unconditional Love: Is It for You?