Because I Said I Would
This is an excerpt from the weekly News-Loveletter. If you would like it sent to your inbox directly (with all the other juicy bits, including a mini joy practice), you can add yourself to my mailing list here.
A couple weekends ago, I got a vision at the end of meditation of my hand pulling a giant plug from an electrical socket. “Oh!” I thought, as I roused myself. “Unplugged!” I vowed to spend at least 32 hours unplugged from all electronics that Sunday, and to get myself to the beach in my vacation home on wheels (our Toyota Sienna van, Harbor).
I almost didn’t make it. Sitting on the couch eating a truffle and watching Netflix Saturday night, I toyed with the idea of binge-watching the rest of the series the next day. You know what stopped me? My commitment to the Joy Collective. I had told them that I would unplug and make this pilgrimage. I knew it was good for the whole of me, chilly mornings and all.
Dancing on the beach two days later, I felt so grateful that I had built the Joy Collective community into the structure of my life. We are always engineering our environments, whether we are aware of it or not. We can consciously choose to surround ourselves with people and things that inspire the best in us.
What commmunity holds you accountable for what you say you’ll do? Is there some grace there to change your mind if a new trajectory is more in alignment with your best self? Maybe this community is a journal that reminds you of your vows. Maybe your dog gives you that look that says, “Yes, you did promise a walk.” It could be family or friends. I invite you now to celebrate or make intensions to expand your community. Or both. :)