Bears and Horses: A Dream

In my dream, horses stand around me as a black bear approaches from the woods. I loop one arm over the neck of the horse nearest protectively and walk. When I see the bear no longer, I release this horse, only to find the bear is walking away from me. I had been neck-hugging that bear all along!

At first, I feel safe as it ambles away. Then I realize I am between the bear and its cub. The mother bear glares at me as I had once glared at her, with protective fear. I understand that fear and step back, reuniting the bears, relieved to be out of harm’s way.

The danger, I understand, even in my dream, is not the bear, despite my archetypical wariness. The danger is in a misalignment of relationship. When I protected my herd (my “self,” ultimately), I protected the bear (outside threat), too. When someone protects themselves without acting with force on others, that protection can support all beings in stepping towards right relationship.

Slowly opening my eyes in a bed warmed by two bodies, I discover I have both of my arms wrapped around my cat, Miru. I laugh. Miru is not only one I protect, he is also the bear. In the middle of the night, he noisily insists on going out and often bites my nose affectionately so that it brings tears to my eyes. Aren’t we all taking turns as bears and horses?

Who do you reach out to protect and who protects you? Have you ever pulled those you feared in close, as I did the bear, deeply trusting this to be the best protection of all? Have you ever realized that the person you were afraid of was not so scary after your relationship with them shifted?




Vlog: The YearCompass & How to Feel the Satisfaction of Closure