Photo by Eva Happy


~Offering support for

your life’s journey~

Why try a workshop series?

  • Feel better every day as you expand your passion for life.

  • Set aside time for yourself to maximize personal growth.

  • Gain the skills you need to succeed.

  • Clarify what you want and venture forward with support.

  • Build a community of skillful friends who can offer accountability and feedback.

Now available as an online course:

The Core Alignment with Joy Series

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(Pre-requisite Core Alignment with Joy series)

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Watch your spam folder over the next week, as my reply may not make it past your rigorous protective structures!

 Word is, the benefits keep coming …

“I had 4 fights with my son while he was visiting. In the first, we said the other was wrong then stopped talking to each other. In the second, I was super passive which made him think I know everything, am self-absorbed, etc. In the third, I remembered what you taught me about NVC years ago, and I wondered about his feelings and needs. He apologized and that was that. The fourth wasn’t even a fight because I explained feelings and needs and we talked about it, then hugged and cried. I am so grateful to you, Kristin!”