What’s Keeping You From Living the Life of Your Dreams?

If you are not living your dream-life already, I invite you to check in with yourself now. Do any of these ring a bell?

  • Anxiety and pain are taking the stage instead of the adventures and loving relationships you value.

  • Your life and achievements are static in ways you feel you have no power to change.

  • You want to make the very most out of your experience in life in body, mind, and spirit, and you’re ready to take the roof off of what’s possible.

  • You’re spending thousands of dollars in dozens of modalities searching for relief to physical or psychological pain. If they work at all, it’s short-lived.

  • You can’t imagine how your relationships will change for the better unless the other person changes. Knowing you have no control over that, you feel trapped.

Let me ask you -

How long are you willing to let pain or numbness persist and grow?

How much money will you spend on treatments that won’t work or don’t last?

Is it time that you learned how to take back and live your most vibrant life?

If you answered YES to that last question, here’s what you can do:

Come to our free workshop, Heal Yourself and Your Relationships NOW!, to learn how to shift your focus to joyful freedom. Then watch your body and relationships transform to match this new way of being.

This is a roll-up-your-sleeves, full engagement workshop -- one where participants work on a particular challenge in their life with the skills shared, learning to feel better in the moment. 

In this free workshop (valued at $100), I will help you:

  • Get clear about what matters to you in a challenge you are facing.

  • Expand your flow of health and wholeness while diminishing the resistance that holds you back.

  • Step into a path of wellness and live your dream with clarity, purpose, and support.

Why wait? Sign up now – seating is limited, and filling up!

Dec 30th 9:00-11:00 AM PST

We do not and will not sell your data or information to any third parties. What you input in this form is purely used by ME to help YOU.